11845 Wicks Street
Sun Valley, CA 91352
Phone:+1 818 252 7100
Fax:+1 818 252 7101
Email: info@tempest.biz
Get in Touch
Have questions regarding your product?
Want to talk further about technical specifications?
Fill out the contact form below, or get in touch with one of our key contacts.
Felipe Hermosillo
Vice President of Sales
Phone:+1 818 203 5397
Email: felipe.hermosillo@tempest.biz
European Sales
Alan Luxford
Sales Director, Europe
Phone:+44 7867 536 522
Email: alan.luxford@tempest.biz
Customer Service, Billing
Nancy Hess
Customer Service
Phone:+1 209 777 6321
Email: nancy.hess@tempest.biz
Technical Support
Gevik Navasartian
Phone:+1 818 397 4504
Email: gevkin@tempest.biz
Chris Hernandez
Phone:+1 818 660 7876
Email: chris.hernandez@tempest.biz
Deborah Espinoza
Phone: +1 818 270 6499
Email: accounting@tempest.biz
Terms and Conditions of Sale
Orders accepted under our standard terms and conditions. Please download copy here. Download Terms and Conditions